Our Plans & Frameworks

Our Plans & Frameworks

Area Structure Plan

The Village of Marwayne, in partnership with the County of Vermilion River, has developed an Area Structure Plan (ASP) on lands currently owned by the Village. The intent of the plan is to identify the requirements needed to service the land to accomodate development. Ultimately, the Village is seeking to determine the best way for developing non-residential uses that will support the Village's tax base and attract people to live and visit the community.

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a statutory, land use planning document that must be adopted by bylaw by the Village Council, which need to describe the following:

  • Sequence of development proposed for the area,
  • Land uses proposed for the area, either generally or with respect to specific parts of the area,
  • Density of population proposed for the area either generally or with respect to specific parts of the area, and
  • General location of major transportation routes and public

An Area Structure Plan may also contain any other matters, including matters relating to reserves, as the council considers necessary. Having an ASP reduces land use conflicts and ad hoc developments that can have an impact on the natural environment, council’s fiscal budget, existing roads, water and waste water systems, and surrounding land owners. An ASP provides land owners and prospective developers with an idea of appropriate future land uses, and helps streamline rezoning and subdivision applications if they are in compliance with the ASP and the outline plans.

The subject parcel is located in the eastern corner of the Village of Marwayne directly adjacent to S 5 St (Township Rd 524) and Railway Ave S (Highway 897). Highway 897 feeds into Highway 45 that is a major corridor to the north towards Cold Lake where there is economic activity arising from farming, the oil and gas sector, and tourism related to people heading north. Two thirds of the ASP area is an open field with interspersed trees/forests.

For more information on the project, please click here

For a copy of the approved Area Structure Plan, adopted by Council on August 20, 2024, please click here!

Out of the 16.94 acre parcel, 6 acres in the SW corner have already been sold! Please contact our office at 780-847-3962 for more information on the remaining 10 acres available!

Strategic Plan

Establishing a community vision, identifying key priorities and linking those to actions that can be tracked and measured is crucial for good governance. Given that there are many opportunities and challenges facing the Village of Marwayne, both presently and into the future, Council understands the importance of preparing a Strategic Plan and is committed to setting a path for action that will ensure the Village of Marwayne remains a resilient and sustainable community for years to come. 

Council's Strategic Plan enables Council, directs administration and works together with residents and local organizations to draw on the Village of Marwayne's strengths and to help the community reach its ultimate potential. 

The Village of Marwayne has finalized our review of the Strategic Plan which was approved in July of 2022. Please click here to view the revamped document!

Sustainability Plan

The Village of Marwayne's Sustainability Plan expresses the municipality's committment towards building a long-term framework for the viability of the community. By combining the long-and-short-term community vision, values, goals, and strategic directions/actions, the Sustainability Plan works in conjunction with the Village's other statutory documents such as the Municipal Development Plan, the Land Use Bylaw, the Intermunicipal Development Plan and the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework to set the objectives for the future.
Being that the document was originally developed over ten (10) years ago, the Sustainability Plan was reviewed in 2022. Council adopted the new Sustainability Plan at the July 18th Regular Council Meeting. To view a copy of the new plan, please click here

Municipal Development Plan

The Village of Marwayne has carried out a review of our Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The MDP is a statutory planning document that sets the long-term framework for land use, growth, and development within a community. The update of the Village’s MDP is a reflection of the way in which Council sees Marwayne growing and developing in the years to come.

On June 22nd, 2020, Council passed Bylaw No. 579-20 to formally adopt the Village's new Municipal Development Plan. Please click here to view the new plan!

Intermunicipal Development Plan

The fundamental purpose of an Intermunicipal Development Plan is to provide opportunities for collaboration and communication between municipalities sharing a common border. By creating a regional framework to coordinate land use, future growth patterns and opportunities within the Intermunicipal Development area, the Village of Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River will be able to pinpoint and address intermunicipal matters related to planning and development. The establishment and implementation of specific directives ensures that the policies outlined within this Intermunicipal Development Plan are handled reasonably, equitably and in a timely manner for both municipalities. To view the Village of Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River's Intermunicipal Development Plan, please click here!

The Village of Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River are committed to:
  • Establishing concepts which outline the future land uses that may develop over a thirty (30) year horizon;
  • Identifying mutual and shared interests relative to the lands within the IDP area;
  • Developing decision making processes that promote collaboration and mitigate potential conflicts;
  • Honoring the mutually beneficial agreements that have been executed;
  • Pursuing development opportunities to support strong communities;
  • Adhering to provincial, federal and other jurisdictional mandates where applicable in the implementation of plans and strategies relevant to this IDP; and
  • Recognizing the importance of trust, respect and goodwill in all dealings and communications.

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework

An Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Agreement establishes the principles and guidelines for communication and cooperation in the identification and development of current and future intermunicipal and regional partnerships. It serves as a means for integrated and strategic service delivery with the intention of achieving efficiencies and balancing benefits and burdens between municipal partners. By acknowledging the importance of respect, trust and goodwill in all dealings and communications, this Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework is intended to outline the way in which the provision of cooperative rather than competitive services will be offered for the benefit of all residents within the Village of Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River. To view the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework between the Village of Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River, please click here!