2025 General Municipal Election

Election Day is October 20, 2025!

Thank you for taking an interest in local democracy! The next General Municipal Election is Monday October 20, 2025. 

The nomination period officially opened on January 1 and ends on September 22, 2025 at 12pm (noon) MST. 

For more information, please see below. 

Council Candidates

Prospective candidates for the 2025 municipal election must submit a Notice of Intent to Run form before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses. Please note, submitting a Notice of Intent does not replace the nomination process, nor does it mean you are officially nominated or will appear on the ballot.

The nomination period officially opened January 1, 2025 and will close on Monday, September 22, 2025, at 12:00 pm (noon). Once an official decision by a candidate has been made to be nominated, they must fill in all the required forms and bring them into the Administration Office - no deposit is required. The Administration Office is located at: 210 2nd Avenue South Marwayne within the community hall. 

Click here for instructions on submitting your nomination. See below for all official forms required.

Official required forms:

A final official list of candidates will be available after nomination day, September 20, 2025. If you wish to withdraw your nomination, you must fill in the official Notice of Withdrawal form.

In addition to the official forms, you may wish to check out the following resources:

Candidate Information Guide

Expense Limits

Election Signs

A development permit is not required for posting election signs along Village roadways and boulevards provided that:

  1. Signs are not placed prior to 7:00 a.m. of the day following nomination day 
  2. Signs are removed within 10 days of election day
  3. Signs do not obstruct sight lines or visibility for pedestrian and vehicular traffic
  4. Signs are not attached to utility poles

Guidelines for election signs on Provincial Highways can be found here: https://www.alberta.ca/election-signs.aspx

Municipal Affairs Resources

Other Resources


Who can vote?

You can vote in the October 20, 2025 election if you are 18 years old, a Canadian citizen and a resident of the Village of Marwayne. 

Register to vote!

Your vote counts! You can register to vote through Voter Link.

List of registered candidates

The nomination period officially launched January 1, 2025. 

Candidates will be listed below when a Notice of Intent or a Nomination Filing is received.

Please Note:

Prospective candidates for the 2025 Election must submit a "Notice of Intent" before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses.

"Notice of Intent" does not mean a candidates name will appear on the ballot.

Those who have filed a "Nomination" have been nominated as a candidate and their name will appear on the ballot for the election in October 2025.

Voting Location

On Election day, you can only vote at the designated voting location. The location will be updated as more information becomes available.

School Board Trustee Candidates

Interested in running as a School Board Trustee? Here's some info for you!

Contact Information for Election Questions

Returning Officer: Shannon Harrower

Phone: 780-847-3962

Email: cao@marwayne.ca